WVWriterGirl - The Daily Word Count — Profile

Name:  Linley Marcum, aka WVWriterGirl
E-mail:  linleym@excite.com
Location:  West Virginia
Birthday:  29 October, 1975
Bio:  I'm a stay-at-home mom and writer, struggling with the trials and tribulations of writing fiction and taking care of a three-year-old boy. Before I decided to take the leap into full-time writer status, I was a health insurance claims examiner for a large Third-Party Administrator. I loved the job, hated the drive, the hours, the staying away from the kid. Now, I'm happy to be where I am. I have a new novel-length project in the work and several short stories bubbling away in their own pots. To see more about my writing, please visit my website at www.wvwritergirl.com.
Blog Created:  Monday, 19 September 2005
Last Updated:  Monday, 26 December 2005 - 2:09 AM EST
Blog Entries:  19

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